Children missing due to the Internal Armed Conflict in Guatemala

May 20, 1999 - May 20, 2024

The issue of adoptions was incorporated into the Todos por el Reencuentro Program in 2007, when the team at that time came to a fundamental question: What was happening to all those children who, due to different circumstances, disappeared from their communities and no longer returned with their children? family?, a line of documentary research was then included, where permission was requested from various state institutions to review archives. For a time, the Ministry of Social Welfare authorized this investigation in a very precarious and limited manner.
From that action, they had access to documents that portrayed how adoptions operated in Guatemala. Many of the children given up for adoption were the consequence of the Internal Armed Conflict. Those who took advantage of that context, formed child trafficking networks with connections to different parts of the country. world that little by little became larger and more complex.
Thirty years later (on average), those children, now adults, began to ask themselves: What is their origin? and this is how adoption through child trafficking was made visible and recognized in Guatemala.
From the Program, we have spent time analyzing the phenomenon, as well as those mental and social processes that adoptees go through, as well as structuring a methodology of accompaniment, search and reunion since, unlike disappearances due to war, which They are public, the family and the community know who is needed, in adoptions there are elements of secrets, guilt, fear and shame in families, but especially in mothers, we must work very carefully, so as not to re-victimize families.